BRITON Publishing was formed because on so many occasions we were approached by clients from our entertainment company that they would like our help in procuring a book publisher. Over the last few years, we realized this was becoming harder on many levels as the industry, from our perspective, was becoming more closed off to new writers and was not realizing the various client bases they were missing out on. If a book didn’t fit the formula, then there couldn’t be an audience for it. We find that preposterous. The same thinking that was killing the music industry was creeping in to the publication arena. We think we have an answer: BRITON Publishing
Our Beginning
Here's how Briton Differs From Other Publishers
About Briton
Briton Publishing is a Hybrid Publishing company. Unlike the traditional publishing companies, we can publish fiction and non- fiction, biographies, poems and coffee table books without restrictions of anticipated market size, or sales, that many traditional publishers will only consider as viable before taking on your work. The difference is that we publish without preset genre’s that traditional publishers always want, always looking for the next best-seller and only accepting work that fits their pre-determined publications list. We will help make your dreams come true.
Briton Publishing offers a menu of services, THE COST OF WHICH are considerably below competitors:
- Editing – With BRITON our editing is not a rewrite of your book but we will make your book a professionally edited, polished book, that you will be proud of.
- Co-Authoring – We offer co-authoring as a collaborative work together with you and our professionally experienced writers
- Ghosting writing – We can work together with you to write your story, taking it from start to finish including any research necessary to give your work depth.
- Copyright filing – If the author has not already filed for copyrights, we can take care of this for you to protect your final work.
- Page Design – This service includes typeface style, type size, page formatting, chapter names and overall book size as may be required to complete your book.
- E-Book Creation – When the timing is appropriate, we will create an EBOOK link on your behalf.
- PRINTED BOOKS AND DISTRIBUTION – Your work will be distributed through major book sellers, such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other book distributers. We use a print on demand service, meaning you do not have to purchase large number of copies.
- Cover Design – We offer professional cover design and expert marketing advice, and formatting as a collaborative work with each author.
- ISBN- Each book must have an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) a unique world-wide individual book reference number
- ISBN AND BARCODES – BRITON will obtain your book’s international standard book number, ISBN, and your barcode as part of our service.
- Publicity: – Briton Publishing offers PR assistance with your book launch. Together with an outside publicist, and our “in house” contacts, we can help ensure a successful launch of your book.
Helping You Achieve Your Dreams
Our Founders
Briton Publishing was founded in 2020 by Robert Lowe, Brinka Rauh, and Author, Tony Moore. Meet our Team Members!